So it begins

— An attempt at blowing up my ‘expected’ career trajectory

view of leaves and blooms of Aralia elata 'variegata'

It was a bright summer day at one of the roof top patios of the hospital that I met up with my boss and told him that I have decided to temporarily semi-quit. Not only have I paused what is expect of my career trajectory by ‘demoting’ myself a few months prior, I’m now going to step away from it even further. In my field, it’s often described as ‘golden handcuffs’, the kind of unionized full time roles that is the norm.


I told him I was going to go to casual and pick-up work when they have need. ** cue explosion sounds **


The past spring, I had half-seriously went out to visit the botanical garden affiliated with the University of my area to speak with the chief instructor for a program that offered horticulture training. It would be an 8 month stint completing the first half of the requirement to work as a trades certified horticulturalist in my locality.

Growing and working with plants was on the short list of the career possibilities that I was exploring.

In short, the visit made a good impression and I was convinced to apply to the program since it’s apparently pretty competitive.

Fast forward a few months later and somehow my white-collar working, zero related experience self somehow got accepted into a program that accepted 16 students each year.


In a rather uncharacteristic well, what the hell moment. I went for it. Pulled the trigger on doing a thing that is so far from what I thought I would be prone to do and the opposite of my first career in many ways.

You’ll be hearing how it goes.









Attachment to outcome


Leave yourself an umbilical cord