Shovelling rocks in the rain

Stepping out of the box you put yourself in

close up of a bunch of rocks and gravel

I’ve always been the ‘bookworm’ type, not particularly athletic inclined or physically strong. So far, I’ve used my book smarts to earn a living. Which is why my brain is trying to nope so hard out of this training program.

Which so happens to involve about 7 hours of hauling rocks every Thursday. Literally.


Hardscaping it turns out, is also a part of horticulture training.


You’re not cut out for this. You’re so much weaker than your classmates. Were the kind of things my brain kept telling me.

Yeah, my stamina was probably shittier than some of my classmates, not being used to this much physical labour. And yeah, I had to learn all how to lift with a proper stance and eyeball how much 3/4” clear crush to put in my wheelbarrow to be just the ok weight for me to dump by myself. And hells yeah it blew at times to be drenched and moving as much rain as rock with each load.


The important things is, I committed to this. So I just try my best to ignore that negative voice in my head and keep going with it.

Hey, I’m learning so many life skills, like how to use a circular saw and a hedge trimmer. And while I am not the strongest person out there, but turns out, I can still exceed my own preconceived limits.








Image credit: Pixabay - PublicDomainPictures


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You can’t have everything