Book rec #2

When to Jump by Mike Lewis

diving board over blue water

During my time at work (first career) while exploring my options, one of the small things I could do that was not so difficult but kept the momentum going is read. A chapter or even just like a segment, whatever I felt like I had energy to.

When to Jump by Mike Lewis is a collection of the author’s own thoughts and also inspiration from people he spoke that made a career transition.

I found some of the phrasing helpful and some quotes inspirational. It kinda gets you feeling more enthused about the concept and kinda like you’re not alone. Because this career uncertainty can feel very isolating

Credit: Mike Lewis

If you’ve got a little voice telling you something, the best thing you can do is not shove it down, but just sit with it and listen to what it’s saying. And ask, ‘Where is this coming from? Why is it here and what does it mean?
— Kelly O'Hara

The book is full of little nuggets like the quote above. And grounding statements reaffirming that you can chase your dream but maybe not quite yet.

My one compliant is that it falls short after the people interviewed ‘makes the jump’. It doesn’t tell you what happens during and what happens after, good or bad.

Well, that’s in part why I started this blog.








Image credit: Pixabay - user Pexels


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